We couldn’t find an event up to our standard, so we created our own.

Our team has dedicated their lives to searching for products and companies that truly care about us.

There is a lack of clean, nutritious, organic, convenient foods and services out there. The food, health, and wellness industry can be a very dark place. It’s no wonder why trying to learn more about wellness can be so confusing! 

We are a group of people that believe in the importance of sustainability when it comes to organic food, energy, agriculture, innovative green products, self-care, laughter, and so much more. We believe that people have a right to know what they put in their bodies.

Our goal is to bring together people from all communities, from all walks of life, so each person can better understand the industry of organic food, vegan food, non-GMO, grass-fed, sustainable/green innovative products, and more. Therefore, you can make an informed decision about their benefits.

Let’s get back to our roots. Join us for a day of growth, fun, music, shopping, learning, food, speakers, classes, and so much more! You deserve it.

We think of it as a directory to a better life.

Take your power back.

A Few Things We Care About.

  • Organic

    Eating organic means you can be confident you are not being exposed to toxic herbicides or pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or other artificial agents. While we believe there are endless reasons to eat organic, here is Only Organic’s list of 15 compelling reasons to choose organic.

  • Local

    We know the importance of staying local! We prefer to stay local, however, we’ll go to the ends of the Earth if that’s where we find beautiful people doing beautiful things.

  • Mental Health

    Includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Affecting how we think, feel, and act. Also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. It is important at every stage of life, from childhood through adulthood. We only know what we know, until we know better.

  • Community

    Being part of an engaging community gives us a sense of belonging. It enables us to share personal relatedness and support the perpetual growth of each other, ourselves and our environment.

  • Kindness

    When we practice kindness either to other people or towards ourselves we can experience positive mental and physical changes. The great thing is, it isn’t difficult to be kind. “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” — Dalai Lama

  • Laughter

    Laughter induces physical changes in your body. It can stimulate organs, enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. That good feeling when you laugh triggers a chemical reaction in your brain. Play.

  • Sleep

    Restful sleep cycles are imperative for healing and recovery. Consistent, quality sleep provides restorative, protective, and energy-conserving functions to one’s self. The quality and quantity of an individual's sleep influence the body's ability to repair and grow tissue, bone, and muscle.

  • Movement

    The body contributes far more to our lives than just physical attributes. It plays a major role in emotions, learning, and relationships. It is intimately involved in all our thought processes, understanding, emotions, and decision-making. The mind and body are inseparable.

Humble Beginnings.

Our first of many events was Serenity setting up booths to promote companies that were doing good in this world. Starting in 2019, she bootstrapped the business with the determination to help others be the best version of themselves. Her care for all living things and companies doing what’s right, is what pushed her forward through the years. Creating her own organic herbal medicine company, the momentum never stopped.

Fast forward over a decade, we've grown our events, and strive to be in all states, US-wide! Our impact has grown over the years, but the heart of the business remains the same — a small team hustling to create a better life from the ground up, one that works in harmony with nature and benefits all, from the soil, to our farmers, to you. Take your power back.

“From my heart to yours, you are loved, you are beautiful, you are powerful.”

— In good health, Serenity